"The Big Green Book of Beginner Books"

Author:Dr. Suess
Illustrator: Varies per story
Awards: Laura Ingles Wilder Author
Ages: Pre-K 2nd Grade

Pineapple Points: 3/5

A collection on six different books by Dr. Seuss. Books include; Great Day for Up, a book about waking up; Would You Rather Be a Bullfrog?, a book about decisions; I Wish That I Had Duck Feet, about a boy who decides it is best to be himself; Wacky Wednesday, about a boy whose day was a bit strange; Maybe You Should Fly a Jet! Maybe You Should Be A Vet!, about picking a job/career; and I Am NOT Going to Get Up Today, about a young boy determined to lay in bed all day.

Dr. Seuss is always a classic go to, but here is a collection of his simpler but still amazing books. This compilation is great for a child's shelf. For early readers this is a great book to be read and to read themselves. The pictures help fill in any blanks and the text is relevant.


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